
7 10, 2020

Mental Health Awareness Day 2020

SATURDAY 10th OCTOBER 2020 Has there ever been a more relevant time to promote the understanding of mental health? The coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on everyone no matter age, culture, socio-economic status or gender. We have all had to adapt our way of life in some way or another. None more so [...]

Mental Health Awareness Day 2020
27 06, 2020

The Future; Upskill or Retrain?

“Unprecedented times” and “the new normal” two phrases which have become cliched but understood by all. Whether we have been furloughed, working from home or self-isolating all our daily routines have changed. For some, this is a welcomed change, for others it is both confusing and anxiety-inducing. Many have had time to reflect on [...]

The Future; Upskill or Retrain?
1 06, 2020

Working from home, staying safe and remaining sane

Working from home used to mean having a day to catch up in the garden or get that back bedroom decorated! For some though it was what it said on the tin and time to complete projects or work without interruption from work colleagues. Oh, how wistful for those interruptions have some of us [...]

Working from home, staying safe and remaining sane
26 05, 2020

Adapting & Collaborating in Transport & Logistics

The new normal in teaching? We have all had to make changes recently, most enforced and some to enable some form of normality in business. As a business that relies on face to face contact with our clients, we have had to adapt and look at new ways of giving them some means of [...]

Adapting & Collaborating in Transport & Logistics
26 05, 2020

Feedback from a client…

A big thank you to Garry from Staffordshire, who is one of our DCPC clients, for this excellent feedback... "I felt that the online sessions were very informative and gave all information in an easy to understand format. Steve presented the sessions in a friendly and inclusive way, inviting all participants to take part [...]

Feedback from a client…
11 05, 2020

Online Learning; Panacea or Anathema?

Times they are a changing and at TLCT they are no different. All face to face delivery has been postponed and where possible sessions are now delivered online. How long will this be for? Who knows, but we are resilient and like the rest of the world we are making the best of what [...]

Online Learning; Panacea or Anathema?
4 05, 2020

Keeping a healthy mind and coping with a global pandemic

Not easy for many of us regardless of what we do for a living at the moment, however, many fail to recognise the signs of poor mental health or, we do recognise the signs and choose to ignore them. It is a fact that listening to someone can have a hugely positive effect on [...]

Keeping a healthy mind and coping with a global pandemic
4 05, 2020

Mental Health – Useful Websites

Useful websites for use with Mental Health and Mental Health First Aid sessions: Health & Safety Executive (HSE): www.hse.gov.uk Skills for Health: www.skillsforhealth.org.uk Mind: www.mind.org.uk/ Mental Health Foundation: www.mentalhealth.org.uk NICE: www.nice.org.uk/search?q=mental+health Samaritans: www.samaritans.org/ Rethink mental illness: www.rethink.org/services-groups/service-types/advice-and-helplines Anxiety UK: www.anxietyuk.org.uk Citizen advice: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ MindEd: www.minded.org.uk/ Mental Health UK: www.mentalhealth-uk.org/ Bipolar UK: www.bipolaruk.org.uk Calm: www.thecalmzone.net [...]

Mental Health – Useful Websites
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